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Installation / Setup


> pip install htrflow_coreInstalled

You can install htrflow_core with pypi in a Python>=3.10 environment.

pip install (recommended)

The core installation of htrflow_core install everything you need to get you started with structuring output in your htr workflow.

pip install htrflow_core

This installation add support för models we have implemented.

pip install "htrflow_core[models]"

git clone (for development)

# clone repository and navigate to root directory
git clone
cd htrflow_core

# setup python environment and activate it
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip

# core install
pip install -e "."

# all models install
pip install -e ".[huggingface, openmmlab, ultralytics]"
# clone repository and navigate to root directory
git clone
cd htrflow_core

# setup python environment and activate it
poetry env use python3.10
poetry shell

# core install
poetry install

# all models install
poetry install --all-extras

# or specific framework
poetry install --extras huggingface


