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Contributing to htrflow_core 🛠️

Thank you for your interest in contributing to htrflow_core! We appreciate contributions in the following areas:

  1. New Features: Enhance the library by adding new functionality. Refer to the section below for guidelines.
  2. Documentation: Help us improve our documentation with clear examples demonstrating how to use htrflow_core.
  3. Bug Reports: Identify and report any issues in the project.
  4. Feature Requests: Suggest new features or improvements.

Contributing Features ✨

htrflow_core aims to provide versatile tools applicable across a broad range of projects. We value contributions that offer generic solutions to common problems. Before proposing a new feature, please open an issue to discuss your idea with the community. This encourages feedback and support.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork the htrflow_core repository to your GitHub account by clicking "fork" at the top right of the repository page.
  2. Clone your fork locally and create a new branch for your changes:
git clone
cd htrflow_core
git checkout -b <your_branch_name>
  1. Develop your feature, fix, or documentation update on your branch.

Code Quality 🎨

Ensure your code adheres to our quality standards using tools like:

  • ruff
  • mypy

Documentation 📝

Our documentation utilizes docstrings combined with type hinting from mypy. Update or add necessary documentation in the docs/ directory and test it locally with:

mkdocs serve -v

Tests 🧪

We employ pytest for testing. Ensure you add tests for your changes and run:


Making a Pull Request

After pushing your changes to GitHub, initiate a pull request from your fork to the main htrflow_core repository:

  1. Push your branch:
git push -u origin <your_branch_name>
  1. Visit the repository on GitHub and click "New Pull Request." Set the base branch to develop and describe your changes.

Ensure all tests pass before requesting a review.

License 📄

By contributing to htrflow_core, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the EUPL-1.2 license.

Thank you for contributing to htrflow_core!